Concise Magazine


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Quick #libya update

There is a lot of flight and bombing activy in Libya, most I have seen yet.
The rebels are taking ground again and the army is now defecting so they are just driving through towns.
it’s broken.
Gadaffi wants a ceasefire – yet he already broke it. But this is the kind of thing our military does when we think there will be one – get as much as you can while you can.
Rebels have claimed more than half the coast line – they are headed for tripoli. The loyalists are abandoning tripoli in boats in mass.
Gadaffi may just run off into the desert with his tent and camel as his hometown and Tripoli are both being bombed – but again, they may get him tonight with one of those bombs “by accident”
6/09 – Looks like he wants out.
08/22/11 – Live blog of these events. Blogsofwar tracks tweets from the region.
10/24/11 – This update is finished.
If you plan to forge a new Nation, It is sound policy to give the previous dictator with an out.And a trial.
How you treat the outgoing is sembalance on how any leader may be treated.
Thats why you have nations with deep suspicions and nothing but overthrows versus nations that settle grievance in high court
presidence is set by actions.

Filed under: Battle, Update