Concise Magazine


Succinct articles that help us understand the time in which we find ourselves. This is an Adult site and this is a good read. Like a giant scroll across the sky.

I care for people, and I do not believe that it is prudent to count Herman Cain out.I will not leave him.

You are losing my pick of a Candidate. He DELEGATES Responsibility and holds people accountable to it. His head is screwed on straight, people.

Filed under: Uncategorized

If you do not know how to cut the US Government #budget, give US a red pen #economy

Department shuffle

The Federal leviathan octopi.

shut down Department of Agriculture (USDA)
shut down Department of Commerce (DOC)
keep Department of Defense (DOD)
shut down Department of Education (ED)
shut down Department of Energy (DOE)
keep CDC only Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
shut down Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
shut down Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
keep Department of Justice (DOJ)
shut down Department of Labor (DOL)
keep Department of State (DOS)
dunno Department of the Interior (DOI)
keep Department of the Treasury
keep Department of Transportation (DOT)
back to dod Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Shut all these down with a few exceptions
Independent Agencies and Government Corporations
drop Administrative Conference of the United States
drop Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
drop African Development Foundation
sell AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
KEEP Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
drop Commission on Civil Rights
keep Commodity Futures Trading Commission
drop Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
drop Corporation for National and Community Service
keep Court Services and Offender Supervision drop Agency for the District of Columbia
keep Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
drop Director of National Intelligence
drop Election Assistance Commission
States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
drop Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
sell Export-Import Bank of the United States
drop Farm Credit Administration
sell Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
keep Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
drop Federal Election Commission (FEC)
drop Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
drop Federal Housing Finance Board
drop Federal Labor Relations Authority
keep Federal Maritime Commission
drop Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
States Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
keep Federal Reserve System
drop Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
keep Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
keep General Services Administration (GSA)
drop Institute of Museum and Library Services
drop Inter-American Foundation
drop International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB)
drop Merit Systems Protection Board
drop Millennium Challenge Corporation
sell National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
keep National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
drop National Capital Planning Commission
drop National Council on Disability
drop National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
drop National Endowment for the Arts
drop National Endowment for the Humanities
drop National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
drop National Mediation Board
drop National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)
keep National Science Foundation (NSF)
drop National Transportation Safety Board
keep Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
drop Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
drop Office of Compliance
drop Office of Government Ethics
drop Office of Personnel Management
drop Office of Special Counsel
drop Office of the Director of National Intelligence
drop Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive
drop Overseas Private Investment Corporation
drop Panama Canal Commission
drop Peace Corps
drop Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
drop Postal Regulatory Commission
drop Railroad Retirement Board
keep Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
drop Selective Service System
drop Small Business Administration (SBA)
keep Social Security Administration (SSA)
sell Tennessee Valley Authority
drop U.S. Trade and Development Agency
drop United States Agency for International Development
drop United States International Trade Commission
sell United States Postal Service (USPS)

Filed under: Economy, Punch List, systems

The US Government has turned into a piece of shit, and it’s “leaders” nothing more than pirates. There is no good future because of it.

And you people that have elected this leviathan, YOU SUCK. I don’t trust you either. You little idiots that feel you have the right to secede my authority to this piece of shit government piss me off the most. Since when is using the government as a charity more of a moral value than any of the Ten Commandments?

One thing worse than making a government take care of people is one that does it for their own good – and then will not let them take care of themselves. What are you people? Masochists? More like Psychopaths.

You are building a Fascist system of government which will turn to an Oligarchy filled with unionized Socialist elite un-elected bureaucrats that think we are too stupid to manage our own affairs. And they will jam their man-made law down your throats, and you like this?

The problem with democrats is not only that they are pure evil, but they put implicit trust into this piece of shit government to take over all aspects of our lives. In fact, Democrats vote for pirates to bankrupt this piece of shit government while at the same time making more promises to the stupid imbeciles that vote for it. These imbeciles really have no conversation to have with me. We walk contrary.

Like that little failure of a leader you elected, it is like having an 8TH grader run a nation with 316 million people in it. Bravo. Running around the country with his fake “jobs bill” and “raise taxes” to cover for the trillions he has pissed away in the name of “fairness” to thug unions and this useless NEA.

None of this means anything but political posturing for you idiots that “believe” in “hope and change”. The democrat party and it’s Orwellian newspeak is par for the course. Nothing the democrat party does actually helps anyone, it merely is a bunch of talk and pay-offs for their buddies. These guys elect demons. The democrat party is nothing BUT politics. 180 degrees in the wrong direction that we should be going. You never stopped being the party of slavery.

There is no civility and the opposite morals required to have a civilization.

Not even Rome had it like this. Forcing everyone to live under such a tyranny.

Save the Military, there really are no assets this government has worth it’s salt. Nothing but paperwork and bureaucrats. Useless to all of humanity, and a great big waste of Shekels.

I have never seen such ignorance. If the adults do not do something – if the elect do not do something, The next years may be hell on earth.

It needs to be purged.

The Elect should be ashamed.

01/31/12 – The Government can.

03/06/12 – And they ARE pirates.

Filed under: Fail, Leadership

Hey #Lebanon, let the #cia spies go.

Take note “If they were genuine spies, spying against Hezbollah, I don’t think we’ll ever see them again,” he said. “These guys are very, very vicious and unforgiving.” 

And if we had a genuine Intelligence leverage, we would also know where Hezbollah is.

Filed under: Analysis, Battle

It is time to shut down #occupy. Time to send them home.

It’s public endangerment. This has nothing to do with free speech. Notes are being compared over the Blotter. You may use this legal finding to do so. The NRO leads right to the case:

“The Court is mindful of movants’ First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and peaceable assembly. However, “[e]ven protected speech is not equally permissible in all places and at all times.” (Snyder v Phelps, 131 S Ct 1207, 1218 [2011], quoting Cornelius v NAACP LegalDefense & Ed. Fund, Inc., 473 US 788, 799 [1985].) Here, movants have not demonstrated that the rules adopted by the owners of the property, concededly after the demonstrations began, are not reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions permitted under the First Amendment.”  


11/17/11 – Separated blotter.

Filed under: Corruption

Latin America is falling away. #latam

Good grief. Can anything on the planet work for the better for once? We are losing Nicaragua again.

That is not the only nation and this slide is consuming South America almost as a whole. You are losing the entire world and not lifting a finger to stop it.

01/04/11 – Honduras security concerns.

Filed under: Analysis, Heads Up

The lack of #education and the downfall of the nation. The government educational system is a #disgrace.

The entire culture will suffer due to the corruption of our educational systems. The kids go to school and come back dumber than when they left. This goes for K-12 and especially “higher” education where they are taught to be dumb socialist morons.

This is a list (see below) of what is being taught in our government school system. How is there time to learn how to read, write, and math?  If your kids are in there, you may want to get them out:

  1. Anti-smoking
  2. Alcohol/drug
  3. Peace program
  4. Teen pregnancy
  5. Diabetes education
  6. Airbag danger
  7. Air & water pollution
  8. Earthquake safety
  9. Flood safety
  10. Tornado safety
  11. Hurricane safety
  12. On-line pornography
  13. Manners education
  14. Sex abuse prevention
  15. Sex education
  16. Seatbelt safety
  17. HIV/AIDS education
  18. Emergency numbers
  19. Gunfire safety
  20. Suicide prevention
  21. Alternative family program
  22. Divorce education
  23. School lock-down drills
  24. Garbage recycling
  25. Tolerance education
  26. Lead poisoning
  27. Nay, nay from 900 numbers, “stay away”
  28. Oral hygiene
  29. Personal hygiene
  30. Lightening safety
  31. Mine/cave safety
  32. Carbon monoxide safety
  33. Acid rain education
  34. Save the owl
  35. Save the whale
  36. Save the manatee
  37. African bee awareness
  38. CPR
  39. Heimlich training
  40. Personal safety
  41. Save the rainforest
  42. Multicultural awareness
  43. Violence prevention
  44. Holocaust awareness
  45. Sexual harassment education
  46. Gender equity
  47. Don’t talk to strangers
  48. Escalator safety
  49. Restitution education
  50. Conflict resolution
  51. Responsibility training
  52. Lyme disease prevention
  53. Peanut allergy
  54. Condom education
  55. Drowning prevention
  56. Toy safety program
  57. Frostbite prevention
  58. Character education
  59. Safe sledding
  60. Practice safe sun
  61. “Just say NO to Satan”
  62. Non-sexist education
  63. Financial literacy
  64. Practice safe tattooing
  65. Snow plow safety
  66. Railroad safety
  67. Garage door safety
  68. School bus safety
  69. Irish potato famine
  70. “No gangs for me”
  71. Noose safety
  72. Cell phone etiquette
  73. Stranger danger
  74. ID theft education
  75. Easting disorders
  76. Watch out for terrorists
  77. Skateboard safety
  78. Obesity prevention
  79. Bully prevention
  80. Bicycle safety
  81. Bus safety
  82. Boating safety
  83. Bird flu prevention
  84. Body piercing safety
  85. Plant-a-tree program
  86. Death education
  87. Firecracker safety
  88. Aluminum recycling
  89. Be kind to animals
  90. Fire prevention
  91. Food safety
  92. Nutrition education
  93. Internet safety
  94. Driver education
  95. Dating safety
  96. Global warming
  97. Energy conservation
  98. Toxic plastic awareness
  99. SARS awareness
  100. Swine flu pandemic
  101. Texting manners
  102. No texting & driving
  103. Sexting danger
  104. Cyper bullying
  105. Security clearance
  106. Just say NO to kissing

03/01/12 – To add insult to injury –  What You’re Paying for Your Child to Learn at College

Filed under: Corruption, Education, Update

This is for the 1% #tcot #professionals and All in the TRUE struggle.

Sometimes, I see people take enjoyment in things that please me greatly.
Leadership is a qualitative feature and I enjoy greatly it’s application when done
correctly. This is an example of apparent quality.

I have taken note of a non-traditional example through a movie and an
additional furtherance of it’s plot to bring something that was pleasing to the
forefront when they were good ideas.

In the movie, a dry and un-interesting make up of the song was presented with steady graduation three times.

And then I saw him do it again. He took the same thing and made it world class by
confidence, planning, changing, and showing what is behind the puppet. Ergo, he made a

It is niche, and if you do it well enough, you may just make someones day and money to
boot. This is how people are sucessful in America. They become the best in what they do.
And endearing interaction with the audience and the crew shows acknowledgement and thankfulness for what they do And the voice is good!

It’s a corny video. It was also so very well professionally done.
What I saw were some people that were having the time of their lives doing something they spent their heart into making. Is see this kind of quality in many people, places, and things. It is Passion.

It’s hard out there, Man.
People are all still getting up and dealing with it though.

Uriael really came through for me tonight.

Filed under: Goodness, Leisure, Viewing

Totally inept foreign policy

Smart Diplomacy” just is not working right.

11/09/11 – Rubin expounds.

Filed under: Fail, Leadership


Dates of post

November 2011