Concise Magazine


Succinct articles that help us understand the time in which we find ourselves. This is an Adult site and this is a good read. Like a giant scroll across the sky.

Refocusing on #iran in a geo-politically disoriented world.

For years, Iran has smuggled arms to it’s proxy Hezbollah in Syria. That link has eroded as baby Assad’s command rule has been disintegrating.

Recently, it was learned that Iran may have procured surface to air missiles from Libya.

The most startling development is not the help they are receiving from North Korea but the fact that Iran is perusing domestic production of carbon fiber for ballistic missiles.  They may have already procured rocket fuel and have procured the engines. They have already launched two satellites. They are working on a warhead.

Plus, it’s just suck to live there under that madly insane government. They even put Pastors to death. (BTW – Good job Mr President – for real)

The leadership makes threats on a constant basis, it may be time to take them serious. We may or may not have help with this.

10/01/11 – Do not get me wrong, I really love Iranians to the core. I dislike their leadership yet I find Iranians , almost always, a delight to speak with, do business with, and to work with. Iranians are highly educated and to remind, not all Moslem. Persia is a beautiful country with brave and respectful people. Traditional, caring, and very modern.

I sometimes forget when I post that my terse language may mislead dear reader into thinking something different than I feel. And I feel for Persia. For that could be a world class country again if they were let to free themselves from the ignorant ruling class. I certainly love the people.

10/02/11 – They are making rockets, but we have invented flying carpets. Ironic.

10/07/11 – Bushehr may have some melting down action.

10/15/11 – Some interesting comments lately within the internal politic including this “Then he declared, “We don’t need to kill Saudi ambassador, but if necessary, we are able to assassinate King Abdullah” from Prominent cleric Hojatoleslam Mehdi Taeb.  The Saudi King is currently undergoing surgery in Riyadh.

10/18/11 – Iran’s Advanced Centrifuges

10/19/11 – I have been watching the gulf between Iran and Saudi Arabia widen as of late.  This rough up over the Diplomat has not helped.

10/28/11 –

If it is the case that Iran has possessed nuclear weapons for almost 20 years, as the author claims, two components of his argument collapse. First, although it may be the case that Iran is generally ideological and jihadist, it is clear that, from the perspective of nuclear policy, they are moderate and reasonable. To possess a nuclear capability for so long without deploying or even declaring it suggests a levelheadedness that makes military action appear unnecessary.
Second, if it is the case (it’s probably not), as the author claims, that “Iran only needs a single nuclear weapon to destroy the United States” via EMP, why would we risk a nuclear counter-strike against the U.S. by initiating military regime change operations? That seems the height of foolishness, especially given the largely peaceful conduct, for the past 20 years, of a nuclear Iran.” 
Thats from CSIS, and it outlines what our foreign policy should be with Iran. The waqpo article.
Iran parliament set to question Ahmadinejad over fraud case, corruption, in blow to prestige. From Intelwire
11/6/11 – Irans proxy Hizbollah is prepping for war with Israel
11/9/11 – Look at Iran’s nuclear capabilities.
01/03/12 – Iran in Convulsion (the death spiral continues)
01/07/12 – US must exploit new split in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard
01/26/12 – “Most revealing, though, is the warning of one Revolutionary Guard commander, in an anonymousletter to the opposition group Green Experts of Iran. The letter, posted on the group’s web site, says that the current commanders of the various armed forces appointed by Khamenei are delusional about their capabilities and have no clue as to the consequences of a war with America.”
02/18/12 – Internal strife admidst hard economic times = more faith in the Majlis. Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei and the Iranian Regime vs. President Ahmadinejad VIA Rantburg. Also – SWIFT To Cut Off Iran – No Financial Telecommunications
03/29/12 – U.S. sets sanctions on Iran shipping, engineer firms And IRGC is the focus. Question is are you applying pressure on the IRGC in the correct way? Did something break down spurring this particular target? Was it Venezuela?

Filed under: Analysis, House of turmolt, Update

When the only answer is to tax, no problems are being resolved #economy #tcot

The President must be held to account for his own policies. Destruction of economies should never be on any Executives “list of things to do”. The American Government and the American Economy are not toys to play with. They are systems that must be protected. A failure to do so will reduce the “revenues” the government may extract from the private sector ergo creating more debt through interest. The economy is upside down with the federal government riding US the people so hard with regulatory overburden and tax.

You may wonder why the market sucks right now, look at the dollar. And these fools are talking about a QE3. There will be no where to put money in. I hope you are prepared.

Filed under: Economy, Fail, SNAFUBAR, systems

Thoughts on a #Palestinian state #israel – not so fast.

The referendum comes down to little more than these things:

An independent Palestine without conceding the legitimacy of Israel’s sovereignty; its capital in Jerusalem; and the entry of Palestinians who left the area in 1948–49 and their descendants into pre-1967 Israel with the rights of citizenship.

1. You are trying to form a state under a permanent state of war. That is not a state,  That is a function. That’s a no-go

2. Jerusalem belongs to, and always will belong to Israel.

3. Those who left Israel fled and were PAID for that land.

4. You do not even have a recognizable government. What’s the “agreement” with?

5. You are still firing rockets into Israel. Some correct history from Sultan and Read up on the current stunt

And who comes with the monies? House of Saud.Why lose rabble rousers when you can insure a bad thing?

This speech may be worth a watch Tonight and Rodney has some pertinent thoughts.

09/23/11 – Stolen History.  This day’s history.

12/14/11 – from deep in the archives, the most succinct explanation of Israel ever.

Filed under: Fail, House of turmolt, Kings

A fracturing Euro-zone. The #EU may create more problems than it was to solve #economy

Many member states have not been serious in solving their financial difficulties. When a common currency is being devalued in one place and valued in another, it naturally creates friction.  So, when Poland warns of eventual War, please take note.

What it ultimately boils down to right now is Greece. Greece has not been serious in their Austerity. I wonder if Germany will eventually just leave the Euro allowing it to drop in value to a more reasonable level. Germany seems to be propping the whole thing up on it’s own anyways. Ireland is eyeing the idea. Is it time for a breakup of the overly-aggressive and imposing EU?

And if countries do decide to leave the EU, it may spark a currency war – which in Europe could start a real war. Much more study I must do on this.

09/22/11 – The great Euro Swindle.

09/23/11 – A Fiscal Union for the Euro: Some Lessons from History

09/25/11 – It looks quite dire. Yesterdays….

09/28/11 – Could it be eurogeddon? Europe tells the idiot administration the STFU.

10/14/11 – The Euro-zone goes the way of Rome.

10/17/11 – Europe is losing it’s ambition as happens with all socialist states.

Doug Noland: “The Situation Is Utterly Hopeless”  And a good suggestion – As If.

10/29/11 – This is total ass.

10/30/11 – These kinds of things could lead to WWIII

11/13/11 – A pragmatic solution?

11/18/11 – EURO Finance minister says something completely absurd.

12/03/11 – Germany is again acting like Germany does – and that’s to seize power.

12/04/11 – In defense of Germany.

12/08/11 – Despite the offer to pull currencies tightly together may not work. Sarkozy warns.

12/28/11 – Folks, this is insane – LTRO “Bazooka” Is Epic Disaster As Banks Scramble To Redeposit “Free Carry” Cash With ECB, Lose Money On “Inverse Carry”

Filed under: Destruction, Economy

#energy prices are only to get worse, and expect widespread shortages.

The blackout in San Diego may have been due to human error, but note the effect it had on sewage and water distribution. The EPA will ensure that in the future, we will all have a shortage of power. In the mean time, we are being starved of our crude futures. And for what?

09/15/11 – How to survive grid down.

09/19/11 – It is a sharp contrast to what many would think. Our energy grid is very fragile and this should be a clarion call of how fragile.

10/15/11 – Check the rig count.

Filed under: Energies, Fail

Stories of hardship from the monied to the not. #usdebt #tcot #resilience

Some have, Some have not, and they all show resilience in their handling of hard circumstance. You should be proud for not giving up and becoming inventive during fun-employment.

Filed under: Economy, Goodness


Dates of post

September 2011